We've only had 2 investigators since I got back and it looks like neither of them really have a whole lot of interest in the Gospel so we're going to give them a break. One, Jose Salinas (one of the few Spanish speaking people in town) is interested in finding a wife... which none of us can help him with. He's in his 60s and has cancer. He's just so lonely so I hope that he'll be able to find a wife here in town. It's funny because his fellowshipper Hermano De La Cruz told him that talking about his desire for a wife is not respecting us as missionaries so we'll see if he decides to learn more about the Gospel or not.
The other investigator, Edith is avoiding us and her fellowshipper so that's fun. This week we mostly spent all of our time doing finding activities. We went to Tombstone and met a lot of people who haven't been to church in years. For the most part, Tombstone is a place where people run to to get away from reality so the people there are really interesting. The people in that town just have different desires than those in St. David and you can definitely feel it as you go from one town to the next.
In St. David pretty much the only way to find is through the members. It's just not realistic or time efficient to go knock on doors. So pretty much we've started to do what we did when we first got here, we're serving everyone. We've seen a lot of blessings from it already. People are giving us referrals and the members know that they have a large role in the success in this area.
Another thing that we've started doing is going into the homes of the members and doing this thing called "The President Monson Approach." Pretty much what it entails is that we go into their homes, share the first lesson, and invite them to pray and create a family mission plan. It's pretty powerful. If nothing else, it helps the members to become more missionary minded. I really like it.
We're really focusing on the Patton ward because we've done the least amount of work in that ward. It's starting to pay off because yesterday in church a man passed us a note that said that as members we often forget our duty for missionary work but so much of the responsibility lies on the shoulders of the members. I know that as other members of that ward come to have his same attitude, miracles will happen in the Patton ward. Yesterday it was really neat because Jesse Ingram was the youth speaker in the San Pedro ward. It was so neat to see someone that we taught get up and teach the ward in Sacrament Meeting! He said that he had been reading the New Era and a article about patriarchal blessings caught his eye and that he couldn't stop thinking about it. So Jesse got up and taught the ward about patriarchal blessings for probably 7-10 minutes. It was amazing! He said that the way he sees them is that we are all walking through fog but our blessings are a flashlight given to us to illuminate our paths and to keep us safe. I really liked that analogy. It's so cool to see how Jesse has changed. He went from barely being able to look us in the eye to speaking in Sacrament Meeting calmly without notes. The spirit was way strong as he testified of the scripture that says "by their fruits ye shall know them." He says he knew that the church was true because we believe in forever families and because we have patriarchal blessings. Jesse is 17 right now and I just know that if he goes on a mission that he'll be powerful. He and his family are so great!
So yeah, that's kind of where things are at now. We're looking forward to this upcoming week and know that we'll see so many miracles. I love being a missionary! It is the best thing ever and makes me so happy!
Find ways that you all can be missionaries. I know that it will bless you. There is no doubt about it and no doubt that the church is true. Christ is the head of the chruch and we are so blessed to have the truth. We need to share it! Have a great week! The Gospel is definitely true!
Love, Sister Anderson
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