Monday, November 30, 2009


Hey everyone! How about them cougars!!!!! I wore blue on both Friday and Saturday and you better believe I was praying for them. Saturday night I couldn't handle not knowing and so I called a member who always shares with me the scores. He is a huge Utah fan and his wife is a huge BYU fan. So when I called I heard his wife scream "noooooo" and he said "guess who just won! I'll be wearing my Utah tie tomorrow." He told me that it was overtime and I informed him that BYU still had a chance but that I had to go into a lesson. Well, yesterday at church I noticed that he wasn't wearing his tie and he and his wife mouthed to me who was victorious. I'm so proud. I just wanted to rise and shout but decided it wasn't appropriate because Sacrament Meeting was just about to begin.
Thanksgiving definitely was different this year. I was reminded of all of my many many blessings. We first went to dinner at Mary's. It was her first Thanksgiving as a single mom and kind of rough. It was us, her 3 kids, her mom, her aunt, and cousin. We ate the normal Thanksgiving food and stayed for a few hours. After that we went to the home of some recent converts. We just love this family. They're really struggling financially (it's a mom and 3 kids 18, 19, 21). They're going to lose their home so it wasn't the happiest Thanksgiving for them. After that we went to Hermana Ughetto's. Her son is on house arrest and so the police told her that she can't leave her house either. It's pretty sad. Her husband is in Iraq too. From these three houses you can imagine how I just kept thinking of all of my many blessings. I'm so lucky to have an intact family who loves the Lord and serves him. It really didn't feel like Thanksgiving but it was really nice.
On Saturday this lady called us and told us that she was inactive. She asked us to come over to her house for dinner. So we went yesterday and she just wanted company. She's divorced and all of her kids are grown and live in different states. We had a really good time and she didn't want us to leave. Hopefully she'll come back to church because she needs the spirit with her more than when we are there.

When we were there I was thinking, that in some ways I sure have changed. Before I was way shy about going to people's houses and now I go over to complete strangers homes and eat their food without even thinking twice. Another way I've changed is that I'm not nearly as naive as before. I've heard about everything you could imagine that could happen to someone. This has just shown me that the world is crying for help and the source of healing and comfort is Jesus Christ. Because of my testimony in Jesus Christ and all of yours I haven't been subject to terrible things. I've been really really lucky.

We had an awesome experience this week. We were just walking through our parking lot and there were these 2 guys in their early 20s. One was super friendly and we were thinking that he must be LDS. Well it turns out that he is a returned missionary and was married in the temple! Also, his friend's girlfriend is LDS. So we started talking to them and we're now teaching this friend. He even came to church yesterday! This just shows me that when we're doing what is right the Lord puts people in our path, even when we lease expect it.

I hope that you all have an awesome week! Find ways to serve. Service brings so much real happiness. Let others see your good works and glorify our Father in Heaven. Also, there is a line in the Restoration movie that I love and think about a lot it says, "Do you have faith and are you willing to show the Lord the evidence of your faith?" Think about it. I know that when we show the Lord the evidence of our faith blessings are poured out to us. I love you all so much and am so thankful for all of you! It's snowing today in El Paso, crazy!
Love, Hermana Melissa Anderson

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Have Your Own Sacred Grove Experience

Hola familia!
I hope that you got my letter in the mail before today letting you know that pday is today instead of yesterday just this week.  Since this week is Thanksgiving they pushed up zone training from Tuesday to Monday.

Zone training was awesome!  I always love the opportunities I have to talk one on with President Walker.  He interviewed Sister Rodriguez right before me and when I came in the room he said "Sister Anderson, you have been doing amazing work.  The difference between Sister Rodriguez before you and now is night and day."  That felt really really good sometimes I wonder if there is a difference but I know deep down it's there.  We discussed the possibilities for next transfer and I told him that I'm good for one more here.  So unless the Lord or I tell him otherwise in the next two weeks, I'm staying.  

It was really good to be able to just talk to him.  During the interview we talked about how I need to step up my Spanish.  I've been thinking about this a lot lately and am now trying to only speak in Spanish for most of the day.  Its hard but fun and I know that this is the only way to progress.  

This week was really good.  We had a record number of 5 investigators at church!  I've really come to see that commitments are the way to see who is the elect and who is not.  If people aren't willing to make and keep commitments then they are not willing to progress.  Elder Kikuchi asked us all to pray to double and triple the number of baptisms in our mission.  Well, it looks like we'll be having a white christmas out here because so many people are progressing!  

Oh, my exchange to Anthony was just what I needed.  It got me refocused and was really fun.  President said that he's going to arrange more for me.  

So we have this investigator named Maria Elena Pechaco.  She is amazing!  She is scheduled to get baptized next week but we'll see if she can be done smoking first.  This lady is so funny.  She's so dramatic.  I've heard her say more than once to her 30 year old son "Who's more important, God or your friends!?!"  She almost became a nuns when she was young but she wouldn't conform to what the priests and other nuns expected.  

Speaking of nuns, we went to an investigators house the other day and there was a nunn there.  This investigator, Maria Guadeloupe (90% of women are named Maria) was being really secretive and we haven't been able to talk to her since.  I think it was the first time I've seen a real nun.  

One of my new favorite scriptures is Alma 37: 36-37.  I've tried to follow the council of this scripture and council with the Lord in everything.  I've seen a lot of amazing results.  Elder Kikuchi asked us all to have a sacred grove experience every day after reading the Book of Mormon for a half hour.  I've found that this is an amazing time to be still and know that He is God.  This time is spent in prayer, meditating, revelation and inspiration.  I love it!  

I would just like to invite everyone to find a quiet place every morning and to have your own sacred grove experience every day.  I know that it will bless your lives a ton.  Well, I better go.  I hope that you all have an amazing week and Thanksgiving. Eat a lot!  Have fun!  Thanks everyone for your love support, and prayers!  I love you all!
Love, Hermana Anderson

Monday, November 16, 2009

Hey Everyone

(Spanish Sisters in El Paso)

Hey everyone!  Thanks for the letters and what not!  I really love letters.  I think that I'm so lucky to have such amazing family and friends that support me.  

This week has been great!  We had zone conference with Elder Kikuchi from the 70 on Wednesday.  Talk about intense.  This man is powerful.  For 3 hours we talked about the morning schedule.  He went around and asked every district leader what percentage of the time their district follows the morning schedule.  We heard a lot of numbers between 75-100%.  After each number he had a comment like "do you only want to be resurrected 85%?"  or "if you pay 95% tithing can you go to the temple?"  It was pretty intense.  

Unfortunately, one of things we're working on in my companionship is time.  So sadly, we were late.  I tried and tried but we were late.  So a lot of the comments were directed at us.  I got "do you want your husband to only give 95%?"  It was intense.  It was sad because he went around and personally met every missionary but we missed it because we were late.  I've tried to use this experience as an example of why we need to be on time.  We'll see if it helps.  

I learned a lot from this zone conference.  We talked about the morning schedule for so long because it is like the tithing in Malachi 3.  When we give the Lord what He asks the windows of heaven will be opened and we won't even have room for the blessings that will flow from it.  If the Lord promises we can be sure that we will receive.  

Another thing I learned is that I don't teach the first vision with the reverence it deserves.  He taught us to recite it really, really, really slowly.  He then had some missionaries do an example of it for us.  It was powerful.  When we say it slow with a lot of pauses the Spirit has time to work and testify of the truth.  There wasn't a dry eye in the chapel as it was being recited.  

So whenever any missionary teaches the 1st vision, something always happens.  Always.  Usually it's an ice cream truck, baby crying, phone ringing, or something like that.  Well this week we had something new... someone fainted.  I'm serious.  We just got done sharing the experience and we asked this lady how she felt and then she started moaning and fainted.  Luckily she was sitting on a couch so she didn't fall or anything.  I ran and got her water and that helped a bit I think.  It turns out that she is pregnant and didn't eat anything.  When she got better she answered that she really hoped that it was true and that it really happened.  She said that she feels like Joseph Smith and really wants to find the truth.  So we proceeded to invite her to be baptized (we always do this on the first lesson).  She said "yeah, thats what I really think i need."  Yay!

Well, I love you all.  I hope that you have a fantastic week and don't freeze to death over there!  It's 50 degrees here and I'm freezing!  I can't imagine how you all feel.  Anyway, have fun, do good!  Always trust and believe.

Love, Hermana Anderson

Monday, November 9, 2009

Well Done

Well as many of you may know or may not know I was released as a full time missionary Sunday.

My mission has been the most amazing experience of my life! I have learned so much from my mission and have gained so many experiences that I will never forget! I have also matured more then I ever thought possible. I have loved every single minute of my mission, I have loved serving the Lord and serving my fellow men and helping those people around me and those people in my different areas come unto Jesus Christ.

I have given it all that I have had, and Heavenly Father has blessed me for 10 great months! But at this time my health has deteriorated and it is time for me to come home and start something new.

I would like to thank each and every one of you that have helped me with every thing, whether that be prayers, letters, or just thinking about me and my family or whatever it may be. THANK YOU!

I Love You All So Much!!!

My "Full-Time" mission may be over. But that certainly does not mean that I am going to stop being a missionary! And I hope and pray that each and every one of you continue to be missionary's as well!

Love, Elder Reed M. Anderson

Elder Reed will be reporting on his mission Sunday the 22nd at 2:50 pm.

Trust In The Lord!

Well hey there,

I'm glad to hear that you all are doing well.  Reed, you better get feeling better or I'm going to beat you up first thing when I get home in a year.  I'm kind of surprised that you are home but I know that you did your very best and what was expected of you. I look forward to hearing what you decide to do with your life.  I know that you have great things in store for you.  

Thanks everyone for your prayers and love towards me.  I really appreciate all that you all do for me.  Just like any missionary, I need all of the prayers I can get.

This week sure has been a good one.  I've really thought a lot about the definition of prayer that Dad shared with me and have changed the way that I pray.  And boy, it sure has made all of the difference.  The Lord is helping me fulfill my goals and become a better missionary.  

On Wednesday we had a goal to get 3 new investigators.  It was already like 6 or 7 and we hadn't found any.  Then we got a phone call from a man and he said "Is this the companionship with Sister Anderson from Bluffdale, Utah in it."  My companion told him that it was and he proceeded to tell us that he and his family had just moved here and his sons needed to be baptized.  Apparently he served his mission in Riverton 20 years ago and when he went to the church and saw my info and picture he knew that he needed to call us right away.  His two sons will be baptized the first week of December!  

After that we went to visit a in active who was anything but nice to us a few weeks ago.  Her parents asked us to go back.  I wasn't super excited but we went and this lady came out and was like "Sisters I'm so happy to see you!  Sister Anderson, I really like you skirt."  She proceeded to tell us her life story (it's amazing how people just tell you their life stories without you even asking) and then said "one of my daughters isn't baptized.  She really needs to get baptized."  Talk about a mighty change of heart!  The first time we talked to her (probably 3 weeks ago) she just told us to go away and now she's the warmest, friendliest person.  I really like the new her.  You know, sometimes we just have to get under the rough exterior and when we do we find something amazing.  

One of our investigators Fernny is a good example of this.  
When we first met him he wanted nothing to do with us so we started to teach his brother who just is not progressing.  So one day when his brother wasn't home we started teaching Fernny again.  This man is 30 yrs old, has lots of tattoos, a former gang member, grew up on the streets, has spent 1/2 of his life in and out of prison, and the list goes on and on.  Well he came to the branch activity on Friday and church yesterday.  He said that he just feels "good."  He loves this and in the past week has healed some wounds with his family.  Yesterday we were like "Fernny, you know that you need to get baptized" he said that he did so we set a date for the 12th of December!  Another mighty change of heart!  His mom told us that the whole family has tried to get God into his life but it never worked before.  In the past 3 weeks and the past week especially he's become brand new.  It's amazing!  I love it!

Trust in the Lord!  He's the ultimate source of comfort, healing, peace, etc etc. Sometimes I feel like we are too proud to let Him help us but now is the time to change that attitude.  We need to let Him help us!  

This morning I felt prompted to read Mosiah 3 and 4.  After reading your emails I know why.  Mosiah 4:11 is the key to happiness.  Read it!  The promise is in verse 12. It's true!  As long as we have the Lord we will always have reason to rejoice.  

Well, I better go.  I love you lots!  Have a fantastic week!  Choose to be happy no matter what!

Love, Hermana Anderson

Monday, November 2, 2009

Roller Coaster of Emotions and Events

Well this week has kind of been a roller coaster of emotions and events.

It has also been a great week! I would like to thank everyone who has helped me this week and who has counseled with me in my decision to stay on my mission and to make the right decision as to whether or not this is where I am supposed to be.

I know that I am supposed to be on a mission at this time. I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ both have a purpose for me here. I know that I am supposed to be serving here in this mission, the Salt Lake City South mission. I know that there is nothing greater then serving a mission and seeing the Light of Christ come into people's lives. The last 9 month's of my life have been some of the hardest times of my life but have also been some of the best times of my life! I hope and pray that each of you will be able to accept the gospel into your lives and be able to have missionary opportunity's in your own lives.

I am going to share a quote from Elder Jeffrey R. Holland that I really like in his own words he said: "Now, to anyone within the sound of my voice who has wondered regarding our Christianity, I bear this witness. I testify that Jesus Christ is the literal, living Son of our literal, living God. This Jesus is our Savior and Redeemer who, under the guidance of the Father, was the Creator of heaven and earth and all things that in them are. I bear witness that He was born of a virgin mother, that in His lifetime He performed mighty miracles observed by legions of His disciples and by His enemies as well. I testify that He had power over death because He was divine but that He willingly subjected Himself to death for our sake because for a period of time He was also mortal. I declare that in His willing submission to death He took upon Himself the sins of the world, paying an infinite price for every sorrow and sickness, every heartache and unhappiness from Adam to the end of the world. In doing so He conquered both the grave physically and hell spiritually and set the human family free. I bear witness that He was literally resurrected from the tomb and, after ascending to His Father to complete the process of that Resurrection, He appeared, repeatedly, to hundreds of disciples in the Old World and in the New. I know He is the Holy One of Israel, the Messiah who will one day come again in final glory, to reign on earth as Lord of lords and King of kings. I know that there is no other name given under heaven whereby a man can be saved and that only by relying wholly upon His merits, mercy, and everlasting grace can we gain eternal life.

My additional testimony regarding this resplendent doctrine is that in preparation for His millennial latter-day reign, Jesus has already come, more than once, in embodied majestic glory. In the spring of 1820, a 14-year-old boy, confused by many of these very doctrines that still confuse much of Christendom, went into a grove of trees to pray. In answer to that earnest prayer offered at such a tender age, the Father and the Son appeared as embodied, glorified beings to the boy prophet Joseph Smith. That day marked the beginning of the return of the true, New Testament gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and the restoration of other prophetic truths offered from Adam down to the present day.

I testify that my witness of these things is true and that the heavens are open to all who seek the same confirmation. Through the Holy Spirit of Truth, may we all know “the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom [He has] sent.” Then may we live Their teachings and be true Christians in deed, as well as in word, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, amen."

May I also add my testimony that I know that what Elder Holland said is true! I know that Jesus Christ was and is the literal son of God. I know that Jesus Christ was born to a virgin mother and that he did perform many miracles while he was on this earth. I also know that while he was here on this earth that he set up his church, The Church of Jesus Christ. I know that he gave the Priesthood authority to his twelve apostles, or twelve disciples and that they were to go teach all nations. Teaching them the things that Jesus Christ had taught while he was here. I also know that later those twelve apostles were rejected and that the priesthood authority was lost.
But I have a testimony and I know without a shadow of a doubt that in the Spring of 1820 in upstate New York a young boy named Joseph Smith saw God the Father and his son Jesus Christ and that this church that Jesus Christ had set up when he was here on the earth was brought back to the earth. That priesthood authority was also brought back to the earth. We now have that same church that Jesus Christ once set up on the earth. Christ is the cornerstone of our religion.
I know that Jesus is the Christ!

As it says in 2 Nephi 22:2 "Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid; for the Lord JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also has become my salvation."

For I trust Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father. I know that through them anything is possible and that I and you can conquer anything!

I hope that each of you will have the strength to do anything that stands in your way, for God and Jesus Christ can and will be your Strength!

I love you all! And pray for you daily!
Have a great week!!!

Love Elder Anderson

What a week!

What a week!  I think like all of you I've been on a roller coaster ride.  

You know, the Lord has really blessed me.  You know me, usually when Reed has problems I get really upset and think of how I can solve them.  Well, this week was different.  I thought a lot about it and the Lord just calmed and comforted me.  I knew that everything would work and that as long as I put my trust in Him everything would work out.  It was amazing.  The Lord really is looking out for us. I know that I've said this before, but I don't know how people survive without Him.  

Thanks everyone for the packages and letters.   I LOVE packages and letters and am so thankful for a great family and friends.  I really am SO blessed.  So I've only opened up the first picture from Halloween (the one of Tommy and Grandma Anderson).  It is so awesome!  I swear Tommy's hair gets curlier every day and if I didn't know better I would think that he permed it.  Grandma, in your letter to me you said that you didn't think that I would recognize you when I get back.  Well if I don't its because you'll look so much better!  You look a hundred times better than when I left.  I'm serious!  Thanks for your letter too!  I loved it.  It sounds like everything is doing well at home and I'm so so thankful for that!

This week was awesome!  Every week is!  Mary got baptized!  
Something crazy happened though.  When it was time for her to get baptized we opened up the font and all but an inch and a half of the water had drained.  So we all went back to the RS room and had a talk about the Holy Ghost.  The talk lasted probably 10 mins and when it was over the font was full!  It really was a miracle, it usually takes a half hour to fill.  But like always, the Lord has a purpose for everything.  Another investigator was supposed to come and wasn't there.  He got there right after we discovered the lack of water.  So if the water had not drained he would have missed it all!  The Lord sure does work in mysterious ways.

This week we met an awesome lady.  Her name is Kim and of course she is from Korea!  There is a huge Korean population here.  Well, I'm pretty sure there is because there are tons of Korean churches.  Anyway, this woman just wanted to sing to us.  She has a deep operatic voice and knows 3 songs:  America the Beautiful, The Lord's Prayer, and How Great Thou Art.  She's actually pretty good.  It was really interesting.

For Halloween we had to be in our apt by 6.  We just did weekly planning.

So it turns out that everyone in the English ward here is struggling.  Lately I've been praying to be more Christlike and be able to mourn with those who mourn and what not.  Well yesterday we were teaching Sunday School and I just started crying while I was teaching.  The Lord sure does answer prayers.  This morning a recent convert called me up and told me that she just "felt for me."  She wanted to know how I was doing and I told her great.  She then said "You know honey, I may not have been in the church for very long but I've been a mother for a very long time and if you ever need a mom in El Paso I'm here for you."  I thought that that was so sweet.  This lady is just trying to serve everyone the best way she knows how and she is blessing so many lives.  I'm trying to be more like her and to not let opportunities to serve pass me by.

My new favorite scripture this week is found in Moroni 9:25 ~ My son (or daughter), be faithful in Christ; and may not the things which I have written grieve thee, to weigh thee down unto death; but may Christ lift thee up, and may his sufferings and death, and the showing his body unto our fathers, and his mercy and long-suffering, and the hope of his glory and of eternal life, rest in your mind forever.

Well I love you all!  Trust in the Lord, He is everything!  Have a great week!

Love, Hermana Anderson

How Can Something So Right Be So Hard?